Facts that you should know before buying a baby bean bag
Facts that you should know before buying a baby bean bag
If you’re reading this then you’re probably considering on purchasing a baby bean bag for your or someone else’s child. I just wanted to say 'hi' and mention a few things that might be of interest to you, so you know what goes on in the market, before choosing a baby bean bag for the sake of your, or someone else’s child.
Who am I?
My name's Dennis, and I am one of two company directors at Brands United Group Pty. Ltd, and share half of the responsibility for introducing the Baby Beanbag concept to Aussie parents, and one which has captured the attention of consumers all over the world.
Whenever highly credible companies and experts associate themselves with one another, you probably notice in almost all cases they partner with the experts only. That's why companies such as Huggies, Pumpkin Patch, National Breast Cancer foundation and Coping with LM, among others, choose to partner with us. We have gained credibility in our field and we continue to work towards making the Bubs of the world have an ideal place to sit and take in the world they have just entered.
Why am I here, writing this? Because there needs to be an honest voice for children! They need someone to state the facts, so you can avoid putting your children, or someone else’s child, in harms way.
So for less than 2 minutes of your time in reading this article, you will know why it’s so important to choose products from a reputable seller.
So what makes a baby bean bag unsafe?
As a parent, you develop great parenting instincts that helps to keep your kids out of harms way and safe, but great instincts sometimes isn’t enough.
The internet is flooded with baby beanbag sellers, and they might even meet the mandatory standards for the country they are sold in. But with so little information about the actual makeup of baby beanbags, consumers just aren’t aware of all the dangers they may be exposing their kids to, such as unsafe chemical levels known to exist in fabrics caused by colours and dyes that are used to achieve attractive patterns and designs.
Imagine this: you have two baby formulas to choose from, both are ACCC complaint but one brand has taken the additional initiative to have theirs tested for additional elements, to ensure that it meets their own standards of safe use for your baby, and the other is simply made to meet the mandatory standards. Which one would you choose? We believe that most parents would definitely choose the one that has had additional testing applied to it.
We apply the same mentality to baby bean bags. As a parent, you prefer to know that your new born child is resting on a seat that has been tested for chemicals that may be found in fabrics. You want to know that the makeup of the fabric is deemed safe for use by babies, by an actual laboratory. After all, we know that skin is absorbent, so it’s important to know that the product you're buying for your child, is tested for use by babies, to avoid detrimental risk.
So where are these unsafe baby bean bags?
You’ll find most of these are found on Gumtree, Facebook & eBay. A majority of these sellers purchase these Baby Bean Bags from a Chinese seller who will claim that they are the actual manufacturer for Chibebe, or that they are clearing out excess stock that was ours. The reseller gets $$ in their eyes, and the thought of making a quick buck of our success is to good to refuse. The thing is, they are being lied to, and the product they are buying is illegally being sold by them. The Chinese seller holds no responsibility for what happens when their client sells their products. It is the seller themselves that are in danger of being held accountable if anything should happen to a child using their fake product. And we wont vouch for them if and when the time comes. And they are not insured in any way, as they were not authorised to sell the copied product. The seller is putting not only children at risk, but also everything they have, simply because they didn't work hard, do their research, and do things the right way.
Example: do you remember the wave of Louis Vuitton handbags that you would find cheap, on ebay years ago? The seller would say that they are buying from them actual factory that makes these bags, but they are just making extra on the side and selling them cheap. They lied. And they got caught out. Alot were charged for their fraudulent activity.
The sellers of these LV bags would claim that they were lied to by the seller etc, but in the end, China can do what they like....we have even had a supplier tell us many years ago that their economy depends on fake products. They can copy anything, they said! Copying products is their forte. Ever heard of the HiPhone? The Chinese are great at copying. We're not even bagging them..it's an art! But it's not ethical. The Chinese government will turn a blind eye to this activity. If the goods are exported, what is the sellers country going to do? Spend millions of dollars fighting it on behalf of the home based eBay seller? No. The seller who imported the product should know their own business well, and know what they are doing. They are held responsible for their own actions, and this can be costly for them, and they might even gain a conscience should anything happen to a child in a product they sold illegally.
We get it. Having a family increases the cost of living and the first thing we do is budget, but what price are you will to pay to ensure your babies safety? The RRP of our products are well thought out, and allows for us to test our products regularly and ensure that your hard earned money is well spent.
As a proud founder of Australias original baby beanbag brand, I am confident to say that you simply cannot find a better baby seat than the Snuggle Pod. Especially at the Chibebe RRP. Our baby bean bag is designed for use from Birth, to pre-teen. If thats not getting your moneys worth, I don't know what is.
How to get a decent baby bean bag?
Grab one at www.Chibebe.com.au! But as an overall, just do your research. Ask the big questions.
As a parent you you only want the best for your child and so do we, so I hope this article has given you a great insight to baby bean bags, if you have any questions please just ask us , we’d be more than happy to answer any questions for you.