Zipper FAQ's

My zipper is broken! Oh no!

You can't open the zipper to insert the beans, and now the world feels like it has ended. You're already super tired from being up all night with poor Bub, who just won't settle down, and you just want to be able to sit down, put your feet up and have a cuppa. But, now your zipper is broken!

Don't despair! The zipper isn't broken! It is simply the law, to have the zipper puller removed on parts of the bean bag that allow access to the filling, so that little hands can't open it, and get inside the beanbag, and potentially swallow the beans, or lock themselves inside it, and suffocate. 

All you have to do, is pop a paperclip under the little latch that is inside the teeny weeny hole in the zipper head, and lift it up to unlock it, and open the zipper up!

Remember though, after you close the zipper, remove the paperclip! 

P.S: Totes lovin' the logo on the zipper puller on the seat top

Yeah, so do we. It also proves the authenticity of the product, so it is much more than just a pretty feature.