Ok, so for those of you who don't know, Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) is the country's largest service provider for those on the Autism Spectrum.
The word 'spectrum' reflects the diversity of experience of people on the spectrum.
The guys over at ASPECT do so much for those who have Autism (which lasts a lifetime, by the way). And being as cool as they are, they help those on the 'Spectrum' realise their unique potential, and assist their families as well.

As part of ASPECTs efforts to raise funds to continue supporting those with Austism and their families, they are holding their annual comedy night, and, as proud supporters of the event, we encourage everyone to get along to it.
Chibebe only get involved in events that we think are genuine and 100% beneficial to the cause, and, being a pretty cheeky bunch, we are so proud to be a sponsor of this comedy evening.
With the 2016 event, comedians including Jeff Green as MC, and the line up including the Umbilical Brothers and Alice Fraser, we're super excited about the crack-ups on the night. A little worried too....there can be such a thing as too funny, and we don't want anyone falling off their chairs, or spitting out their wine due to impromptu laughing or anything!
With previous ASPECT Comedy nights, the best of the best comedians have featured, such as Tommy Dean at their 2013 event, and Roy Slaven and HG Nelson at their 2011 one, among many others.
We're in Melbourne. The event is in Sydney. We can't make it because we'll be here working for you, sending out orders and creating new designs etc. It's all we do. We love it. But we do wish we could be there :( But we're doing what we can, and sponsoring the night, as we think that everyone should do what they can for such a great cause.
So for those who CAN make it (you lucky ducks!), we think you should get a table together (10 people) and grab your place at the best comedy event of the year! And please, have a laugh on us (and a beer....).
Grab your tickets for the 2016 Comedy Event Night right now, right here!