ChiChat Feature - Tam Zito
ChiChat Feature - Tam Zito
Tamara is our in-house social media guru. But she started out as a hairdresser, and after running her own salon for 15 years, she decided she needed a seachange, and moved to Geelong, enrolled in Uni, with a major in Journalism. She now advises businesses on how to expand their businesses via the power of Instagram. She has a way with the written word and we're super lucky that she finds time to be a part of our team here at Chibebe! The fact that she is the big sister of our founder, Paulitta, might have helped...
Well as you can see I have no fashion sense and my house is a mess. Coolness is what I excel in. It comes so naturally so I figure the rest isn't that important. Take what you have, in my case, uncoordinated, unfashionable and coolness and run with that.
I grew up in a little town called Merrigum. I worked from about 13 years old at the local cafe and ate all the lollies I wanted. That lasted a week and since then I don't eat lollies. My brother used to take me for dinks (remember that word!) on his motorbike through the town. Ahh... small towns rock as you can break all the rules and there are no police. However, I was incredibly straight and never liked breaking the rules. My younger sister used to strip naked and run down the street, the neighbors used to bring her home. These things just don't happen in the city.
A rockstar of course, but as I can't sing or play any instrument that didn't happen. A writer always was my second choice but I never realised it was an option for making a living until I thought, who needs money?? I threw it all in and now I'm happier and more fulfilled than ever.
If you go to my site (interview with thyself) you'll see why but here's a rundown. I wanted a place for all to come and find a familiar ground. I got veered a little by offers from celebrities that just wanted to be involved (ahem) and the rest just grew from there. We all have our own Temples or at least we are all Temple queens and should all 'just be nice. OK!!'
Yes, no, maybe. I seriously must stop drinking before breakfast as i can't remember what occurs throughout the night when I dream and what is really happening. Or did I just have a drink in my dream?? I believe everything there has happened but am not really sure. There are definite sections I'm certain are true, like the unicorn that I was given as a gift from the queen. Oh hang on that's not on there yet but may be it will be soon.
Are you kidding? I have them lining up. I'm like the Muppets or Sesame Street where celebrities don't believe they've made it until they have featured on Tamzen Temple. But a certain Clint from the East has said he'd love to discuss directing my life story. He's the ultimate hey? He would seriously make my day if he did that.
Always wear clean underpants. Oh no that's not it, ummmm OH i know. Don't break spaghetti into the pot as it's bad kitchen feng shui.
...people break spaghetti into the pot as it shows they haven't taken note of my excellent advice.
Well, he's been sacked actually. I figured kids his age can't read and he can't write so he was making me do all the work. He features in some pretty cute pics though, he's a spunk. He will make a comeback but we're working on an area for him once we discuss his fee. He wants a fairly high commission and we don't pay those under five, actually we don't pay anyone as it's all me doing the work. Discussions are currently taking place but we can't comment until proceedings are over.
The only thing he has of me is brown eyes. He walks and his characters are all Micko the guru. He Was born on Micko's birthday actually, which was convenient for me as I didn't get him a present that year. They are twins, forty years apart.
When Bronzy and I have sing alongs. All my life people have cringed at my voice but your own child just looks with adoration and joins in and thinks a duet with you is the best thing ever. I feel like Dolly Parton with Kenny Rogers when we sing Humpty Dumpty together staring into one another's eyes.
Keep an eye in our SHE section. There will be lots, not just from me. I'm hoping our readers will share. Most important though just enjoy and relish everyday with them as they will never be that age again. There's a whole new dictionary to motherhood, like delayed discipline which you can read about on the Temple Dictionary.
Mum just be quiet, stop talking and go to your room and shut the door.
That I might end up on a deserted island without a hair straightener. No I'm kidding. There are too many serious issues in the world. Instead of fearing what may never come, people including myself should be thankful for all they have.