2021 - The Year Of The Pod
We're glass half full folks here at Chibebe, and we think 2021 will be full of amazingness.
Like most online retailers in 2020, Chibebe® experienced a massively unprepared-for sell out year. We experienced two major sell out periods, yet thanks to our typical forward planning approach, we were already manufacturing ahead of time.
Not only were we able to meet all demand earlier in the year, not long after restrictions took place, but also, in serendipitious fashion, our production team had already planned the Chibebe® SS 2020-2021 manufacturing run earlier in the year, and were able begin production earlier than expected, which allowed us to dispatch all orders in record times!
2021 is sure to be a year full of Happy Little Podders. From newborns who came into this world with their very own Snuggle Pod waiting for them on their arrival, to toddlers who grew up with one from birth, kiddos are loving their Pod at home, while visiting Grandma & Pop, and even at the park! We here at Chibebe have dubbed 2021 the Year of the Pod!
We're now fully stocked and back to shipping daily, just as we always have. So grab your fave design now!